After Christendom, WHAT? A Course in Missional Ecclesiology
Course Description:
Playing off of Thomas Odens' "After Modernity, What?" this course wants to ask the same question as related to modernity generally, but as it is specifically related to the church per missional ecclesiology. The thesis begins with the assertion that Christendom is fundamantally in a syncretistic relationshsip between "modernity" and Christian--e.g Christendom.
The task here is to all out re-think "church" at three levels, and in that order.
- What The Church IS In Relation To Christ-- The Ontological Question as to what the church is fundamenetally (elementally). e.g The Church is Totus Christus as both the mediatorial manifestion of Covenant and Temple
- How The Church Is Discovered in Relation To Christ: The Epistomological Question e.g. The church as the mediatorial presence of the Triplex Vocational endeavor of Christ as Prophet, Priest, King
- How The Church Is Formed in Relation To A Local Context: The Teleological Question as to becoming the flesh of a particular people and place as the strategic level.
In other words, To answer the church question in relation to both Christ and the World, we must
- De-Construct The Christendom (Modernist) Church--What the Church IS
- Re-Construction the Redemptive Historical Apostolic Church--What the Church Does
- Re-Form the Apostlic Church Into a Post-Christendom Flesh-How the Church Does what it does in a way that is local as to convey best what it is and aaccomplish what it does.
As a course in "missional" ecclesiology, it will be shown that the church,
- by its nature as the mediatorical existential presence of Christ is Missional.
- by its vocation as Christ's mediated vocational presence as prophet, priest and shepherd-king is Missional.
- by its mystical union with Christ flesh in heaven and the people's flesh on earth in the "form" of a particlar people and place is Missional.
With this said, it can also be said with missionary to India and Christian apologist Lesslie Newbigin,
The church is not the source of witness, it is the locus of witness…. The presence of a new reality, the presence in the shared life of the church of the spirit… (The Household of God)
Or stated differently, again by Lesslie Newbigin,
Just as we insist that a Church which has ceased to be a mission has lost the essential character of a Church, so must we also say that a mission which is not at the same time truly a Church is not a true expression of the divine apostolate. An unchurchly mission is as much a monstrosity as an unmissionary church.(The Gospel in A Pluralistic Society).
And this is not so different than what was affirmed as well by John Calvin where about the church he said:
No extent of space interferes with the boundless energy of the Spirit which transfuses life into us from the flesh of Christ? (John Calvin, Corpus Reformatorum)
And therefore,
Beyond the pale of the Church, no forgiveness of sins, no salvation, can be hoped for … the paternal favor of God and the special evidence of spiritual life are confined to his peculiar people, and hence the abandonment of the Church is always fatal.
Nor is it any different than that tradition known as "Reformed" and Presbyterian"
The visible Church, which is also catholic or universal under the Gospel (not confined to one nation, as before under the law), consists of all those throughout the world that profess the true religion; and of their children: and is the kingdom of the Lord Jesus Christ, the house and family of God, out of which there is no ordinary possibility of salvation. (Westminster Confession of Faith, 20.2)
Therefore, our aim is to construct a theological vision in missional ecclesiology targeting church planters and pastors in the discovery and praactice of the church as a missionary presence suited to a contercultural engagement with in a post-Christendom context.
A Project Ecclesiology:
James Bannerman, The Church Of Christ, Vol 1 & 2. Especially Part 1: chapters 2-6, Part 2: 1, 3
I> De-constructing Modernist Christendom
- (Read) The Gospel In Today's Global City, Lesslie Newbigin
- (Read) Religious Pluralism: A Missiological Perspective, Lesslie Newbigin
- (Skim) After Modernity... What? The Contours of Modernistic Christendom, Preston Graham
- Stefan Paas, The Making of A Mission Field, Paradigms of Evangelistic Mission,
- (Additional Reading) Biblical Critical Theory: How the Bible’s Unfolding Story Makes Sense of Modern Life and Culture, Introduction, Chapter 21.
II>Re-constructing Pre-Modern Church By A Redemptive-Historical, Christo-Centric Hermeutic Applied to Missional Ecclesiology
- (Read) A Primer in Totus Christus Spirituality, (Skim First Part, Read SEcond Part Preston Graham
- (Skim- Slow down as desired) Preston Graham, High Ecclesia - Temple Trajectory in Redemptive History
- (SKIM, Slow Down As Desired) Preston Graham, Jr., High Gospel -Covenant Trajectory in Redemptive History
- (READ) Richard Gaffin, Perspectives on Pentecost, Chapter 2:The Gift of the Spirit
- (READ): T.F. Torrance, Royal Priesthood, Chapter 2 "Function of the Body
- (READ) James Bannerman, The Church of Christ, Vol. 1, Part 1, The Church of Christ (Part 1, Chapter 2),
Other Versions:
- Preston Graham, Jr., A Sacramental Theology of the Gospel (1st published verison of "High Church" Spirituality)
- C.f. Preston Graham, Why Church Plant? )
III>Christology Applied: Totus Christus
- (READ): James Farrow, Ascension and Ecclesia, Chapter 1
- (Review Handout): Ascension Rediscovered and Applied
- (READ)Preston Graham, A Prolegomena in Total Christ Ecclesiology
- (Read) Preston Graham Jr. Ascension Christology Explored Relative to the Minus Triplex: Does Totus Christus Ecclesiology Contradict Solus Christus? (
- (Read) David Moser, Totus Christus: A Proposal for Protestant Christology and Ecclesiology (Pro Ecclesia 29 no. 1 (2020))
Additional Reading:
The Five Marks of the Church Explored
IV> The Covenantal/Gospel Centered Church
Part 1: Gospel and Covenant
- Meredith Kline, Law Covenant (The Covenantal Context of Gospel explained as will be appliied to Assurance issues later in readings)
- Tim Keller, The Centrality of the Gospel
- (For Review)- Issue of Assurance: A Confessional Survey
- Meredith Kline- Law Covenant
VI>The Temple/Missional Church", Lesslie Newbigin, "Logic of Mission
Part 1: The Missionary Church
- Lesslie Newbin, The Gospel in a Pluralist Society, Chapter18 The Hermeutic of the Congregation, Chapter 19 The Logic of the Mission
- Sefan Paas,
- (Read (selectively)) Stefan Paas, Pilgrims and Priests, Christian Mission in a Post-Christian Society
- (Read) Why Church Planting in Europe? On Authorizing a Common Evangelical Practice, Sefan Pass
- Skip Bell, Rod Davis, Church Growth as A Church Strategy
- Jens Monsees Models of Church Development in the Netherlands,
- (READ) Tim Keller, The Missional Church
- (READ) Tim Keller, Evangelistic Worship
- (Skim) Greg Thompson, "The Hospitality of Christ for a Secular Age" with notes
- (READ) Preston Graham, Jr., An Ecclesial Spirituality of Conversion
Part 2: The Church's Mission
- (READ) Preston Graham, The Centrality of the Church As A Social Strategy (Interacts with Post-Liberal and Includes Reformed Pedigree)
- c.f.Preston Graham, Church-Culture Engagement, (MA Paper that interacts with Tim Keller on topic)
- (READ) Preston Graham, Jr., Lesslie Newbigin's Missional Ecclesiology Explored: A Christo-Centric proposal for Missional Ecumenism in Today’s Global Context
VI>The Prophetic/Confessional Church
- (Read) Kevin Vanhoozer Introduction and Conclusion of "Drama of Doctrine"
- (SKIM) Samuel Miller, Doctrinal Integrity (esp. Chapter 1, “Arguments in Favor of Creeds,” Chapter 2 Answers for “Objections to Creeds”, “Concluding Remarks”)
- (READ) Carl Trueman, The Creedal Imperative
- (SKIM) Preston Graham (Handout), Confessional Theology Review
Supplemental Readings:
- Preston Graham Handout- Introduction to Confessional Theology
- John Weber, Confession and Confessions (Chapter 1),
VII>The Priestly/Sacramental Church'
Part 1: The Sacramental Questions
- (READ) Preston Graham, The Mystery and Manners of Sacramental Efficacy (paper delivered at April 29, 2017 Southern New England Presbytery)
- (READ) James Torrance, Worship, Community, and the Triune God of Grace (ch.1, ch. 2 skim)Handout.Notes
- (READ) John Williamson Nevin, The Mystical Presence... Chapter 1, Section 1: “Statement of Doctrine,” Chapter 3, Section 2, “The Mystical Union,” (Skim) Section 3: “The Lord’s Supper”
- (READ) John Calvin, Short Treatise on the Supper of Our Lord
- (Read) Carl Mosser, The Greatest Possible Blessing: Calvin and Deification: Calvin and Deification (SJT 55(1): 36±57 (2002) Printed in the United Kingdom 5 2002 Scottish Journal of Theology Ltd)
- (READ) Preston Graham Handout, From Baptism to Lord's Supper (The issue of when to admit children to Lord’s Supper)
- (SKIM) Preston Graham, A Baptism That Saves: The Reformed and Sacramental Doctrine of Baptism Argued and Clarified
- (SKIM) Preston Graham, The 19th Century Presbyterian Debate in Sacramental Theology: Hodge vs. Nevin
- (SKIM) Preston Graham (Handout), Worship (from Confessional Theology)
Part 2: Covenantal Worship
More On Sabbath:
VIII> The Kingly/Shepherded Communal Church
- (READ): Lesslie Newbigin, The Household of God, Chapter 1-3
- (READ)Richard Hayes, Ecclesiology and Ethics
Part 1: Applied to Polity and Government
- (READ) James Bannerman, Part 2: Chapter 1, 3, 4, 5
- (READ) Edmund Clowney, Distinctive Emphases in Presbyterian Polity
- (READ) Preston Graham, The Liturgy of Polity
- Use in Planning: Phases in Developmental Ecclesiology
Preston Graham Jr, Handouts:
- (READ) First Things in Biblical Ecclesiology
- (READ) Presbyterian Polity: An Organic and Multi-Form Vision
- (READ) Principles of Order for a Fair, Efficient, and Principled Process
Applied to Mercy
- (SKIM) Preston Graham, Gospel Empowerment, Vision Anabaino #3,
- (READ)Case Study: Helping a Witch Doctor
- Handouts
Applied To Congregagation
- (Read), Life Together, D. Bonhoeffer (chapter 1)
- (READ)Richard Hayes, Ecclesiology and Ethics
Applied to Mercy
- (Read) Preston Graham, Gospel Empowerment, Vision Anabaino #3,
- (READ)Case Study: Helping a Witch Doctor
- (Skim) Empowerment Based Mercy-- A Bibliography and Brief Summary
- (REVIEW) Ecclesiology and Mercy (Or) Holistic Love and Empowerment Based Mercy
Applied to Unity Ecumenism and the Issue of Schism
- (READ) Preston Graham, Jr., Lesslie Newbigin's Missional Ecclesiology Explored: A Christo-Centric proposal for Ecumenism in today’s Global Context
- (READ) Michael Allen and Scott Swain, "Reformed Catholicity" Introduction and Chapter 1
Total Christ Membership Seminar (For Example-- though abit too much :)
IX>. Pastoral Theology In Missional Ecclesiology
- (READ). Preston Graham, A Priest With No Name: Rediscovering Pastoral Identity and Practice
- (READ), Purves, Pastoral Theology in the Classical Tradition, Introduction and Conclusion,
- (READ) Philip Graham Ryken, The Suffering and the Glory: Pastoral Ministry in Union with Christ
- (READ)Preston Graham, The Use of Clerical Attire
X> Church Planting and Missional Ecclesiology Bibliographies
- Church Planting Seminar (Minneapolis, 2007)-- Steve Childers, Steve Ogne, Ed Stetzer & Others. Lots of "How To" Stuff